Austrian Apple Strudel

  • Dough
  • 350 gm plain flour
  • 100-150 ml lukewarm water
  • 1 egg
  • 15 ml oil
  • 1 gm salt
  • Filling
  • 1.5 kg apples, peeled, cored and finely chopped
  • 150-200 gm sugar
  • 15 gm cinnamon
  • 200 gm sultanas or raisons
  • 30 ml dark rum
  • 100 gm ground hazelnuts
  • 250 gm bread crumbs
  • 100 gm butter
  • 100 ml cream
  • 100gm butter, melted

Dough: put the flour into the warmed bowl of an electric mixer. Add the water, egg, oil and salt and mix on low speed until blended. Then mix on medium speed for 5 minutes. The dough should be smooth and elastic. Cover the bowl with cling film and keep in a warm place.

Filling: Marinate the apples with the sugar, cinnamon, sultanas and rum. Brown the bread crumbs in 100 gm of the butter then mix with the ground hazelnuts. Spread a cloth on a table and sprinkle it with flour. Roll out the dough on the cloth as thin as possible. Then draw and stretch the dough out using your hands until it is paper thin. Trim the edges on the dough if it is thick. NOTE: If you get a couple of holes in the dough it doesn’t matter.

Sprinkle the dough evenly with the bread crumbs. Drain any excess liquid from the apple mixture and spread evenly on top of the bread crumb mixture. Lift the cloth on one side, little by little so the dough rolls itself around the filling. Brush with cream and melted butter.

Put on a greased baking tray and cook in the oven at 180C (375F) for approx 30 minutes. Brush frequently with the butter and cream. The strudel should be brown when cooked. Serve cut in slices sprinkled with icing sugar (confectioner’s sugar) accompanied with cream, crème anglaise or ice cream, or all 3.

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